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  • Are You Logged Out? If someone else is logged in using your computer, you can't login until you log them out! If you don't see the "myHTW" block on the right side of your page prompting you for a username and password, someone is logged in. Click the Logout link in the Menu block on the left and then try logging in.
  • Is Your System Date Correct? If your PC's system date and time is not correct, you may have trouble logging in, especially if it's off by more than a day. Correct the date and time, click the Logout link in the Menu box, and try logging in again.
  • Are You Registered? You need one and only one registration for all Hittin' The Web sites. You can register at any site and you will be able to login at any other.
  • It Says There is Already an Account With My Email Then you have a valid registration already, or someone else does using the same email address. You cannot create a new account with an email matching one already registered. Use the Menu->Login->Lost Your Password? link to retrieve your password so you can login with the current account.
  • It Says It is Logging Me In but Doesn't Your browser and any Internet security software (e.g. ZoneAlarm, BlackIce Defender, or corporate firewalls software) must be set to accept cookies. If you see the "Please wait while we log you in..." screen after typing your userid and password, this means you have typed the correct userid and password and it matched your information in our database. If you see this screen, but the next screen shows you as an anonymous user and shows the "myHTW" login box on the right, your browser has refused to accept the login cookie.

    If your browser is not accepting cookies, you can't login. Here are instructions for the most popular browsers:

    Internet Explorer 5.0+

    On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, select Internet Options.
    Click on the Security tab, then click on the Custom Level button.
    If cookies are disabled, select enable as shown. Click OK.

    Internet Explorer 4.0

    On the View menu in Internet Explorer, select Internet Options.
    Click on the Advanced tab, then scroll down to the Security section.
    If cookies are disabled, select enable as shown. Click OK.

    Netscape Navigator 4.0

    On the Edit menu in Netscape Navigator, select Preferences.
    Click on the Advance category.
    If cookies are disabled, select Accept all cookies. Click OK.

    Opera 6.0

    On the File menu in Opera 6.0, select Preferences.
    Click Privacy under Network.
    Check Enable Cookies in the Cookie section of the dialog.
    Choose any option other than Do Not Accept Cookies from the first drop-down list.
    Make sure no Server Filters are set that would disable cookies from our site.

  • Old Accounts Even if you were registered at the old site ( prior to Dec 2001), you need to register here. These sites use a new system and there wasn't enough information in the old accounts to move them forward. You cannot use old userid's or passwords.
  • I Forgot My Password Click Menu->Login, then the "Lost your password?" link. Follow the instructions and we will email your password to the email address saved with your account.

    If the email address stored with your account is not valid, or you no longer get email at that address, or you forgot your userid, please send an email to or asking for help.

  • I tried all the above and I still can't login Sometimes deleting browser cookies helps. The link below will delete cookies for this site. If that doesn't work, find your browser control to delete all cookies (Tools... Options for Internet Explorer, Edit... Preferences for Netscape, or search your browser's help function for "delete cookies").

    Delete MBB Cookies

  • Still Having Problems? Send an email to or and we'll help.
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